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I sense that you have loved, {FirstName}.
You have loved without reservation.
But do you lose yourself in love?
Handing over the best parts of yourself–all the parts you think are worth loving.
Your deepest thoughts and desires have to be pushed under the rug, left unspoken.
Because you secretly fear they may come across as ‘too much’ to be understood and accepted.
In love, you’ve given generously, but it appears that you don’t receive the same investment of feelings and emotions for yourself.
Every step you take closer to them, appears to be a step away from your true self. You want it, and then you don’t.
This trajectory is scary because the intimacy you desire is more than just sexual, it’s about being understood and heard...
And for you, this ‘breaking’ has manifested as a loss in self-worth, a mistrust of people’s words, or a reliance on seeking personal security within the companionship of another person.
Survival of the heart can also manifest as the urge to emotionally push people away before they leave on their own.
Being made to feel less loved or not seen does not mean you are not worthy, {FirstName}.
Regardless of how someone has treated you, you are enough as you are right now.
Always, all the time, you are enough.
Even when you are not ready to face your demons and traumas, you are enough.
The state you are in right now, is enough.
It’s not wrong to crave the safety and calm of knowing that they’ll stay regardless of circumstances.
While you see others gaining that kind of safe love for themselves, you sometimes wonder whether that is even on the cards for you.
{StarSign} Star Signs are naturally inclined to be more sensitive to emotional frequencies.
Even the slightest change in someone’s behaviour leaves lasting imprints on you.
But remember, {FirstName}, happiness begins with your thoughts...
Before we delve into deeper issues at play, please know that you have tried going in with your heart and eyes open, but hurtful words and actions have made you inherently cautious.
A relationship that doesn’t focus exclusively on sexual stimulation, but intimacy of the mind.
Where the words you speak appear to be the most interesting and intriguing words they have ever heard…where they hang onto your every word and respond with fervour.
{FirstName}, as soon as the spirit guides sparked a connection with your aura, I identified the culprit stagnating your love life.
The 8th house on your chart is where deep love and passion should reside.
But it is a tempestuous place, {FirstName}.
Where there’s a potential home for true passion and deep love, there also exist emotional storms.
Love enters through the 5th house of fun and sex. It has to pass through the 7th house of romance and pleasure before it enters deep commitment within the 8th.
It appears that the 7th house on your chart is barricaded by a stubborn Mars - ironically the Planet of Love!
As you’re a {StarSign}, this fiery planet is having a turbulent effect on letting love grow into deep, true commitment.
But rest assured, this is not a permanent state and is easily resolved…
I’ll tell you more about that in a minute as we explore your reading in depth....
You can dream of a love that becomes the centre of your life, or you can dream of one that complements your life goals and fits seamlessly within.
It is these dreams that form a halo over your birth chart...
Affecting planetary positions as the Universe works to give you what your heart truly desires.
Allow yourself to dream of magic—where your love inspires and guides you, stimulates your mind and stirs your thoughts with passionate adventure and new goals.
We will delve into this magic in detail…
Right now, I’m sensing that you may have a problem with letting go—and that isn’t helping.
Perhaps you love too deeply–form attachments that others are incapable of mirroring.
Everyone does not have the same integrity in commitments as you do, {FirstName}...
People are cold beings, but expecting a new partner to disappoint you, and follow the same wretched path as your past partner took, only curses a relationship for doom.
What is the point of dreaming of love, if you will curse it with expectations of disappointment?
Remember, expecting a new partner to hurt you will only manifest as dark shadows within your chart.
That will push them to be exactly what you expect: a failure for your heart.
Do not worry. Instead, gather your courage and jump into love feet first.
Take every step as it comes, and trust the Universe has led you down the right path.
Trust is important in all relationship, and you must trust yourself to make the right decisions...
You’ve lived through so many hardships in matters of love and life.
Yet you still hold a fiery flicker of hope; you still desire the security and warmth of love.
Let me tell you, {FirstName}, this torrid emotional vibrancy of your heart is admirable–especially in the face of all you have been through.
The warmth with which you meet people around you, the lack of coldness in your soul, has all manifested within your chart.
The correlation of Jupiter and Mercury is turning the corner of potent attraction and belief.
It allows you to genuinely shine, and your heart’s pure intentions will always glisten in your eyes.
Finding that one special someone who matches your heart’s purity is not an easy task...
Although I see your dream partner within the horizon…they have yet to step on the path leading your way.
This doesn't mean that you don’t know them yet, or you haven’t already been in a complicated relationship with them.
It just means that their emotional intimacy has yet to match the vibrations of you.
Their star sign certainly aligns seamlessly in your chart...
By the end of this year, they strongly influence the 8th house of your chart.
What you need to do is ensure your heart remains pure, and open.
What's destined for you may be running late, but I’m working on removing the blockades.
Your person is on their way to find you in balanced emotional vibrations.
Their stories and yours will merge into one, {FirstName}.
They will naturally guide you to your natural state of calm, safety, and security—the {FirstName} that existed before the world trampled you.
Your {StarSign} vibrations are speaking to me torridly; I still have goosebumps from the conversation.
I sense your tortured pain of waiting to finding the peace in love that you so desperately desire–and deserve.
There are ways you can expedite the Universe’s influence on your partner to align with your life path, and I see this path…but manifesting it requires strategic placements of actions on specific time frames, and making enlightened intentions to the universe.
There are two specific crystals your soul is thirsty for right now.
They will project your true, wonderful, pure self to the one your heart desires.
Saturn is also in retrograde on the 5th house right now, which is having a calamitous effect on love energies.
(If I'm 100% honest, this planet is causing 90% of the trauma and delay in finding you a happy ending with your heart’s true soulmate)
My clairvoyance has dealt with this retrograde many times in the past, and it takes 3 days of targeted manifestation mantras to shift this planet’s shadows into a position where it allows your love life to flourish.
Together, we will remove its cursed darkness from the house of committed love...
Right now, luckily for you, I see signs of impending disruption and conflict—but not unforeseen tragedies.
I have to insist that you quickly make some disruptions of your own free will, to counteract the effects of cosmic irregularities.
These necessary ‘disruptions’ could be triggered by trusting something or someone you aren’t 100% sure about, or impulsively reaching out to someone for spiritual depth, or a spontaneous move that could lead you onto a new life path.
I can tell you more about it as we delve further into your personal Psychic Love Report...
Your unique love report will outline in detail the elements you need to adjust…to guide your soulmate on the right path.
It’s like buying them an air ticket straight to you.
Clicking the button below will allow you to learn exactly what redefines your love destiny.
Discover details on the location, position, and trajectory of your love and happiness manifestation.
{FirstName}, you will discover the steps to attracting your soulmate’s full commitment and adoration.
Right now, there seem to be too many distractions in their line of vision. But your Psychic Love Report outlines how you can destroy those distractions–within hours!
The power of energy-aligned crystal auras let you radiate with your most attractive self.
Tell me {FirstName}... If there was zero risk of making the wrong decision in love today, would you love harder and deeper?
Would it annihilate fear of failure…fear of regret…fear of consequences?
That’s why you’re here today. This moment has arrived as a gift from the universe, and the spirit guides that look out for you.
I see a clear path ahead of you…even though you may not clearly see which detour leads to it. I’ll help you see it in a minute…
Decisions and actions taken quickly with confidence, tell the Universe that you’re ready and willing to have faith in what the spirit guides have to say.
The first step is trusting your instinct—and I know you’ve learned to count on your gut feeling.
That’s such a rare and admirable quality, and you should have more faith in it!
Recognize what's good for you when the Universe presents it...
Prompt action is what determines the speed of clearing obstacles in the attainment of a loving, committed relationship.
Something unexpected is steering you toward moving on and finding passion and commitment, also emotional companionship that makes you feel whole, cherished, and valued.
Allow yourself to reflect on what you truly want to achieve within the next few minutes, and that will magnify the depths of answers I’m about to reveal.
Confront your destiny.
Continue on your journey with a complete Psychic Love Report.
Take a moment to focus your intention {FirstName}, and then click the button below.
All my love,
Janice Empath
Discover When, Where and How You Will Meet Your Soulmate...